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Sundowner. Mix #08 by Inner + Interview

Our next guest for our Sundowner. mix series is Romanian producer and DJ Cristian aka Inner & DJ Wibe. We had the chance to talk with him during the summer about the music scene and his personal evolution as musician. Check out the interview we had with him.

Ines: Hi Cristian, how are you?

Cristian: Hello, I’m fine, thank you for asking me to do this mix for you.

Ines: Thank you, so first of all, how has been your evolution since you started producing for the first time?

Cristian: In a way I tend to think that my latest tracks are the best tracks I have done, but that is misleading because it’s probably normal to get excited about the last project the most, because it’s so fresh and new. In another way I feel like when I started making music I wasn’t really trying to achieve anything, I just made tracks in a very pueril manner, quite naive and I went with whatever was happening. As I grew, my expectations of myself grew as well so that led to disappointment and dissatisfaction with my own work when I would not achieve a certain level I was striving for. I learned later that it’s ok to fail and to try and try and try and there will be shit tracks and good tracks along the way. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I went from not carrying that much to carrying too much and then to relaxing again, I’m in a relaxed state now.

Ines: Do you have any ritual or special thing you do before playing a gig?

Cristian: Not really, in the days before the gig preparation is key, right before the gig I try to wash my hands if possible so I can start with fresh clean hands.

Ines: haha that’s a good thing to do for sure. Can you tell us a little bit about some of the music you’ve included in the podcast, perhaps about some of the labels or artists featured?

Cristian: My idea for the podcast was to start slow, like I would start playing at a party in the daytime and I would play through the night, but condensed in a bit more than 1h. If you think about the club without music and people it’s really not such a nice place, its dark, there is no proper sitting and it’s kinda smelly, that’s why my ideal situation for a opening set would be that the music at the begging of the night is welcoming, and it’s not necessary the main thing, it’s part of the ambiance of the place and gradually it becomes louder and occupies more and more of the energy of the room and all of a sudden you start dancing without realising it.

Ines: What’s the differences you see in the music scene from when you started to now?

Cristian: It feels to me that we are slowly getting back to the times where DJs are appreciated for being a DJ and not necessary for being a producer/ DJ. When DJs came around, that is what they were, only DJs, selectors, not producers of music, at some point it became the norm that the DJ is also a producer and it has to have some eps/hits to be booked as a DJ. I started in a time where this was still the case, but lately DJs that do not produce are taking DJing to another level and it’s very interesting and rewarding to experience this as a DJ/producer and as a dancer.

Another big and very welcomed change is the number of female DJs and the fact that there are way more than lets say 10, 20 years ago. They just bring a different energy to the DJ booth and to the dancefloor and I welcome that with all my heart.

Ines: Do you have any plans in the short term considering the current situation or plans for the future?

Cristian: In the short term I will release another EP on bandcamp under my new DJ Wibe alias, and by the end of the year an EP under my good old name Inner.

Ines: Ok and last question, if you could travel in time, to which era or time of history would you go and why?

Cristian: Uhh, hard one, I think I would like to travel for a day in the future and see if we completely fuck it up or not, cause at the moment it feels like we are. But maybe also back in time when there was no technology like the fourteen hundreds and then at a rave in ‘92. Ciao.

Ines: Thank you so much Cristian, we hope to hear more from you very soon!

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